Jul 15, 2009

S'inhat Cheenam

Shalom Chaverim,

It has been awhile since my last post into my blog as the "summer blues" had me very busy within our kehila. It is hard ignore the current events in Israel as we are starting to "smell" the new year in the air. The air is filled with and Violence as the Haredi Jews have been part of multiple Riots.

The Haredi Jews are part of an Ultra Orthodox sect that are truly live within their own internal society with their own internal laws.

It is interesting to see all of this violence especially occurs during the time of 9th of Av which is important to every Jew around the world and remembered as the day of the destruction of the Temple.

You might wonder the source of the violence that cause these riots and the blood shed:

"Several dozen haredim on Wednesday blocked traffic on Rehov Bar-Ilan, Rehov Yehezkel and Kikar Hashabat with burning garbage bins, protesting the arrest of a Jerusalem woman apparently suffering from a psychiatric disorder, who allegedly near-starved her three-year-old son to death.....In response, scores of haredi protesters took to the streets Tuesday night, setting garbage bins on fire on Rehov Bar-Ilan and in the Mea She'arim neighborhood, snarling traffic in the area, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said. "

The situation have gotten over the last 3 days out of control to the point that a Jew will dare to raise a hand against another Jew. Chazal Stated in Yoma 9 in the Talmud:

חז"ל אמרו (יומא ט', ע"ב) "מקדש שני, שהיו עוסקים בתורה ומצות וגמילות חסדים, מפני מה חרב, מפני שהיתה בו שנאת חינם".

Which approx. translated to "The 2nd temple has been destroyed despite the fact that Torah was thought in it, it was destroyed because Unwarranted Hate (Sinhat Chinam)".

It is not by mistake that here again, 2000 years later we see S'inhat Chinam among the Jewish people. 2000 years, the S'inhat Chinam was that brought to the destruction of the Temple related to the "Unwarranted Hate- S'inhat Chinam" Towards Yeshua the Jewish Messiah.

Once the Jewish people have S'inhat Chinam happens among them (since Yeshua was a Jew), tragedies come over us. Let us pray during these days of awe that are just around the corner that Hashem will speak to the heart of the Jewish people to stop the S'inhat Chinam that started towards the Jewish Messiah 2000 years ago, and against any Jewish soul.


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